Conversation Starter Quiz All women go through menopause at some point. Yet many myths still exist around it. Can you tell what’s real and what’s made up? Take the quiz to find out! 1. “Menopause is when women start having hot flashes and night sweats.” Is this real or made up? Real, this is menopause. Made up, it’s when periods become irregular and unpredictable. Made up, it’s when periods have stopped for a whole year. None 2. “The average age of menopause globally is 48 years.” Is this real or made up? Real. This seems about right. Made up. It’s earlier. Made up. It’s later. None 3. “All women going through menopause will experience hot flashes.” Is this real or made up? Real. Hot flashes are how you know it’s menopause. Made up, not all women who go through menopause have hot flashes. Made up, hot flashes are all in the mind! None 4. “Exercise can help reduce the symptoms of menopause.” Is this real or made up? Real, why else would yoga studios be so crowded? Made up, exercising just makes you even more tired and sweaty. Made up, exercise is good for a lot of reasons, but it doesn’t help specifically for menopause. None 5. “Menopause might make you more forgetful.” Is this real or made up? Real. This is the real reason you struggle to remember people’s names. Made up. Hormones affect your reproduction system NOT your brain. Made up. Sounds like an excuse. None 6. “The transition stage before menopause (otherwise known as perimenopause) can last for up to 10 years.” Is this real or made up? Real. A decade sounds right to me. Made up. It’s about 2 years. Made up. There is no transition stage – your periods just stop suddenly. None 7. “A woman can still have periods and have started the menopause transition.” Is this real or made up? Real. Menstrual changes aren’t the only sign a woman is approaching menopause. Made up. If your periods are regular, you can’t be starting the transition towards menopause. Made up. Menopause is when periods stop – not before – so any problems can’t be down to your hormones. None 8. “Menopause doesn’t necessarily cause weight gain.” Is this a real fact or made up? Real. Plenty of women stay in shape long after menopause. Made up. They call it “middle-aged spread” for a reason. Made up. Hormonal changes make you automatically pile on the pounds. None 9. “Hormonal changes can affect your joints.” Is this real or made up? Real. Achy knees can be a symptom of menopause. Made up. It’s just a sign of getting old. Made up. Hormones have nothing to do with your joints! None 10. “All women experience menopause the same.” Is this real or made up? Real. Hot flashes, weight gain – it’s always the same. Made up. Every woman’s experience is unique to her. Made up. It depends on her state of mind. None Time's upYou cannot switch tabs while taking this quiz!You are not allowed to switch tabs violation has been cannot minimize full screen mode!You are not allowed to minimize full screen while taking this quiz, violation has been recorded.Access denied! To begin the quiz, please grant this quiz access to your camera.